References: Under the References menu, you can read our customers’ opinions about MannMotors.
The opinion of our customers is important to us! Customer satisfaction drives the business forward, both through positive affirmations – which show what we have done or are doing properly, by way of example – and both through criticism, as it shows what (s) still need to be improved and what we still need to improve! Customer service and a picture of their vehicle, as well as an information package, almost always make the owner happy, who knows:
Your vehicle is in the right hands!
Role of references / opinions:
After reading the references, prospective customers get an idea of how MannMotors works, their attitudes and the humility of the professional groups “kneaded” around machines, vehicles and metals, the desire to constantly learn and develop that both the customer and their vehicle deserve.
“Profession, love and the joy of being fulfilled at work!”
The process of development and learning is an endless cycle! Which always opens more and more doors, and always provides a greater view of the given professional group(s) and their correlations!
“You can always perform a little better and add a little more plus!”
Our point of view is that professional development is always necessary and we have to keep ahead of our competitors! Thus, our position in the market is also strengthened, to the satisfaction of ourselves and our customers.
Norbert Mann
Innovative thinking:
In the light of our own interests, professional qualifications, practices and customer needs, the scope and caliber of MannMotors has developed definitively over several decades. We hope that our innovative ideas will continue to be crowned with success in the future.
In many cases, individual customer needs must be met to meet the special requests of vehicle owners. We do this EVERY TIME, in compliance with the regulations of traffic supervision and technical examination of motor vehicles.
“The claim is yours, the task is ours and will improve your carefree used vehicle!”
Our Partners:
Rescue and delivery of cars contact:
Autómentés Budapest: +36-20 3877709
Rescue & delivery of motorcycle contact:
Motorangel contact: +36-30-7431277 or +36-20-6628838
If you have any questions about your scooter, motorcycle or HONDA car, you can contact us at one of these options: MannMotors ==> contact
Norbert Mann