MOT test: Administration or management of Technical Examinations (or Periodic Technical Examinations = MOT test) in Budaörs, with a short deadline! It is necessary to repeat the roadworthiness test for 4-year-old vehicles. Thereafter, the vehicle will be required in 2-year repeat cycles from the age of 4. Preliminary preparation / inspection reveals any defective parts. We list the parts that need to be replaced and then suggest to the customer to replace the parts. If the required parts have been replaced, a successful exam can be expected.

Documents required for the administration or management of the technical examination or MOT test:

It is not possible to carry out the administration without the documents required for the technical examination! Therefore, please bring the following documents for an agreed periodic roadworthiness test:

  • a power of attorney form is available in our workshop – which you will be able to fill in personally at MannMotors !!!! – so please do not bring a completed copy!
  • vehicle registration certificate
  • yellow check / bank statement (about the payment) / insurance green card certifying the payment of the compulsory liability insurance for the current period
  • (owner / operator) photo ID copy (on paper) ==> identity card / passport / license
  • in the case of a motor vehicle owned / operated / used by the company, the following is also required:
    • copy of signature title (on paper)
    • company statement (on paper)

The importance of the MOT test:

In addition to regular maintenance of the vehicle, it appreciates the proper technical care and so we can continue to drive carefree. After a successful technical examination, the car, scooter or motorcycle can safely participate in road traffic again. In this way, it is ensured and regulated that vehicles of the appropriate technical condition can travel on our roads.

“The claim is yours, the task is ours and will improve your carefree used vehicle!”

The regulations of the current periodic technical examination / examination in Hungary can be read in: 5/1990. (IV. 12.) KöHÉM, which deals with the technical inspection of road vehicles. The regulation is available here.

The technical conditions of road traffic in Hungary can be read in: 6/1990. (IV. 12.) KöHÉM, which contains the technical conditions for placing road vehicles on the market and keeping them in circulation! The conditions are available here. The conditions are available here.

Our partner in the implementation of MOT test:

Don’t have time to deal with the periodic technical inspection (MOT test) of your car, scooter or motorcycle? Administration of the technical examination – Technical examination (MOT test) management in Budaörs – no more a problem! We undertake to handle the case for you. Why spend your precious time doing this? You order the administration from us, we make your life easier with the implementation. Contact details of our partner: Auto-help centrum1 kft. Login for technical exam administration: +36-20-5465644

For the administration or management of the MOT test, the delivery of the vehicle on the part of the customer and the return of the vehicle on the part of MannMotors to the customer takes place EXCLUSIVELY in the workshop of MannMotors !!!

If you have any questions about the MOT test management of your scooter, motorcycle or car, you can contact us using one of the following options: MannMotors contact

MOT test management in Budaörs
Norbert Mann